Adding Sizes To Items With ABM + POS Sync

What Are Sizes and Items With ABM + POS Sync?

In Arryved Brewery Management (ABM), Items are Finished Goods, Materials, and Other Items that you keep Wholesale Inventory of or sell at retail. Items can come in various Item Sizes. With the ABM + POS Sync, you’ll create an Item, and then add the applicable Sizes to it. And there's good news! Sizes can deplete from other Sizes! So you can track draft pours coming from a keg, or 6-packs from a case, and more! Use this guide to learn how to add sizes to Items in your ABM. 


  • You are an Arryved Brewery Management (ABM) user and your Arryved POS is synced with your ABM. 
  • The Items have been added to your ABM. If you haven't already, please start with the Items With ABM + POS Sync guide.
  • Your Item Sizes have been added to your ABM.
  • To add sizes to Items in your ABM, you must be a User with the Admin or Inventory User Roles.
  • To view and edit Inventory Items and their sizes in your Arryved Portal, you must be a Portal Super Admin or an Admin with one of the following Portal Permissions:


  • With the ABM + POS Sync, you cannot add new Sizes to Inventory Items from your Arryved Portal, they must be added from your ABM which will then sync to your Arryved Portal. 

How It Works

First Things First…

Before you can add the Sizes to the Item, you must first;

  1. Enter all of your possible Item Sizes into your ‘ABM Settings’.
  2. Enter the Items into the ‘Items’ section of your ABM. 

Adding A New Size To An Item

You may have just created a new Item and are ready to add Sizes now. If so, skip steps 1-3. 

If you aren’t on an Item page yet, start here: 

  1. Log into your ABM.
  2. Click Items from the left navigation bar. 
  3. Search for the Item you need on the table and click to open it.
    • Don’t see the Item you need? Try toggling between Finished Goods, Materials, and Other across the top. 
  4. Under the GENERAL tab of the Item’s details, scroll halfway down the page to the Sizes section. Click Add Size

  1. Item Format: Is this a draft, kegged, or To-go type Size? 
  2. Item Size: Select the exact Size. This will pull up your list of Item Sizes that were entered in your ABM Settings. 
  3. Wholesale Price: If you plan to sell this Item/Size at wholesale, enter a price.
    • This price appears on Invoices (but can be overridden). If using the ABM + QuickBooks Sync, this is the price used to determine Accounts Receivable.
  4. Wholesale: Check this box to allow this to be sold at wholesale through your ABM. If this box is left unchecked, this Item/Size won’t be available for Invoices. 
  5. Default Cost: Add an estimated cost for producing this Finished Good at this size. Or, if this Finished Good was purchased from a different Supplier, such as a guest beer, enter the Cost to purchase here. This field is optional. You’re ABM will auto-calculate COGS based on the materials used to produce this Item.
  6. Deposit Value: If there is a deposit associated with this Item, enter the deposit value here. This will be automatically added to invoices. 
  7. SKU or UPC: Optional identifiers for this Item. UPCs appear on Invoices for Customers listed as ‘Off Prem’, assuming they’ll be reselling your Item in its original packaging (not on draft). You can use to validate your UPCs.
  8. Not Inventoried: Check this box if you don't want to track this Item in your Inventory. Your ABM will assume that you have an infinite supply of it and automatically generate new units when necessary.
  9. Allow fractional units: Check this box to interact with the Item in fractions of a unit down to 0.001. This may be useful for when you might need to process a partial return or unpackaged Items like Brite beer where you'll frequently be working with quantities that aren't divisible by whole barrels. 

POS Settings

  1. Click the arrow next to POS Settings to expand the section.
  2. POS Availability: Select the current state of this Size of this Item (Available, Inactive, or Kicked). 
  3. Sync to POS: Check this box to sync this Size of this Item with your Arryved Portal. This allows you to add this Item/Size to menus and sell at retail through your POS channels. 
  4. Retail Price: This is the Price that this Item will be sold at through the POS when ordered in this Size (this is the non-cash price if using Dual Pricing). 
  5. Open Price: Check this box if you want the price of this Item (at this Size) to be determined at the time of sale. This allows a different price to be entered each time sold. 
  6. Cash Price: If you’re on the Arryved Dual Pricing program, enter a price for when this Item/Size is purchased with cash.
  7. Retail CRV/Use Tax: If CRV or Use Tax applies to you, ask your ABM Implementation Manager for more information.
  8. Loyalty Cost: If you’re set up with Arryved Insider, enter the number of Loyalty Points it would cost to redeem this Item/Size as a Reward
  9. Max Per Online Order: If you’d like to limit the number of units this Item/Size can be purchased at one time when shopping online, enter the limit in the field. This is for Arryved Online and OpenTab. 
  10. POS Item Type: Select the applicable Item Type that best fits this Item and Size. Your POS Item Types should already be added in your ABM Settings. This will determine the Tax Type associated with this Item/Size. 


11. Deplete Item from POS sale: This is a snazzy tool that allows you to deplete this Size of this Item from a larger Size! Let’s say you want to track how many pints are sold from your kegs, 6-packs from your cases, or single cans from your 6-packs!

    • Select the larger Size you want to deplete from in the dropdown here. 
    • The Size you wish to select here must already be added to this Item. We advise adding the larger Sizes first (kegs and cases). 
    • Selecting ‘This Item’ from the dropdown list will deplete itself and not affect the Inventory count of any other Sizes. 


If you leave this section blank, it will inherit the Weight and Volume that was entered for this Item Size under ABM Settings. Save the Size and to this Item and re-open to see it. 

If you want to enter custom measures for this this Item, you can add them here: 

  1. Click the arrow next to Measures to expand the section.
  2. Unit: Select a unit of measurement for weight. Adding a weight is optional, but will help determine the total load weight when this Item at this Size is loaded onto a Vehicle for delivery. 
  3. Weight: Enter the total weight of this Item at this Size in the unit of measurement selected. 
  4. Unit: Select a unit of measurement for Volume. Volume is required for the ABM + POS Sync. Whichever unit of measurement you choose here, your Arryved Portal will auto-calculate it into Fluid Ounces under the Size Quantity Value field of the equivalent Unit Size. 
  5. Volume: Enter the total volume of this Item at this Size in the unit of measurement selected. 

Reorder Point

Reorder Point is a tool that allows you to set safety net parameters to help make sure you don't run out of an Item before it's too late. Your ABM will warn you when your Inventory falls below your safety net. Then, you'll know it's time to reorder the Material or reproduce the Finished Good.

Safety Stock: Enter a buffer count as a safety net in case of an unusual spike in sales or consumption of that item. If a “10” is entered, then ABM will provide a warning that it may be time to reorder or reproduce it when the On Hand Inventory count reaches 10 or below.

Lead Time: Enter the time (in days) it takes to receive or produce this item after a Purchase Order is sent or the Batch has begun. The lead time will be taken into account and ABM will warn you when there isn’t enough inventory to cover the Rate of Use plus the Lead Time. Here’s how it’s calculated: 

  • Inventory On-Hand / Rate of Use = On-Hand Coverage.
  • If the On-Hand Coverage is less than the Lead Time, you’ll receive a warning. 
  • If you also have a Safety Stock entered, ABM will take both into account when providing you with a warning. 

In the example in this image, the Lead Time was set to 5 days, and the On-Hand Coverage (1 day) is calculated like this: 

  • 10 / 6.67 = 1.499 (rounded down to 1) 
  • 1.499 (the On-Hand Coverage) is less than 5 (the Lead Time), therefore, the Low Stock Warning is showing.

Item Parts

Item Parts allow you to get even more granular with your Item Sizes by specifying all the individual components of an Item. 

For example, a case size of a beverage can consist of:

  • The unpackaged beverage (just the liquid itself)
  • (24) 12oz aluminum cans
  • (4) 6-pack toppers 
  • (1) Cardboard tray 

A 1/2 barrel keg size can consist of 

  • The unpackaged beverage
  • The Keg shell

You need to enter these Item Parts as their own Finished Good Item first, so they can then be added to this Item Size. 

Item Parts is a nested feature, meaning you can have Item Parts within Item Parts! A single can of beer can have Item Parts (the aluminum can and the liquid beer) and it can also act as the Item Part for the 4-pack, 6-pack, and case sizes!

  1. Click the dropdown arrow next to Item Parts to expand the section.
  2. Click Add item part.
  3. Search for the Item Part from your full list of Items.
  4. Enter a Quantity to scale properly. For example, a case should have 24 16-oz cans. 
  5. Select a Unit of measurement. 
  6. Add as many Item Parts as you need, then click Update Item Size when ready.

Saving Sizes 

When you’ve completed the Size’s configuration from the popup window, click Add Size

Syncing Item Sizes With Your POS

IMPORTANT! This is how you sync inventory with your POS! 

For each Item Size, you want to sync in both your ABM and Arryved POS, be sure the Sync to POS setting is toggled on. 

  • If toggled off, this Item Size will only be available in your ABM and not in your Arryved Portal. This also means the Item cannot be added to menus and sold through the POS. 
  • Materials used for Production or Finished Goods that will only be sold wholesale, probably don’t need to be synced with your POS. 

  • Items/Sizes that are newly synced with your POS will land in the ‘(From ABM)’ Inventory Folder in your Arryved Portal. From there, you can move them to the Inventory Folders of your choice for your own organization. 
  • If the sync is toggled on, and then later toggled off, the Item becomes inactive in your Arryved Portal and will move to your “(ABM Archived)” Inventory Folder. 

Related Articles

Head back to your ABM + POS Sync Cheat Sheet if you started there. 

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