Item Sizes With ABM + POS Sync

What Are Item Sizes With ABM + POS Sync?

Creating Item Sizes allows you to offer an Item in different sizes. Each Item Size that’s applied to an Item can be customized to meet the Item’s needs. You’ll use your ABM to create Item Sizes and add them to Items. Use this guide to learn how to manage your Item Sizes with the ABM + POS Sync.


  • You are an Arryved Brewery Management (ABM) user and your Arryved POS is synced with your ABM. 
  • To add and edit Item Sizes in your ABM, you must be a User with the Admin User Role.
  • To view Unit Sizes in your Arryved Portal, you must be a Portal Super Admin or an Admin with one of the following Portal Permissions:
  • If using Item Parts, they must be entered as Items in your ABM before they can be applied to an Items’ Size. 


  • With the ABM + POS Sync, you cannot create new Item Sizes or add new Sizes to an Item from your Arryved Portal. This is taken care of from your ABM which will sync to your Arryved Portal. 

How It Works

Adding A New Item Size 

  1. Log into your ABM.
  2. Click on Settings (the gear icon in the upper, right corner)
  3. Click Item Sizes from the top navigation options. 
  4. Click New Item Size

  1. Enter a Name. This name should be full and descriptive. 
  2. Enter a Short Name. This is what will appear in Arryved Service. 
  3. Select an Item Format. Is this size packaged, draft, single unit, or something else?
  4. Select an Icon type. This applies a symbol to the Unit Size to be easily identified. 


In the Measures section, you can add weight and volume in your choice of measurement. 

  • Note: The volume entered here will automatically be converted into fluid ounces as the ‘Size Quantity Value’ for the corresponding Unit Size in your Arryved Portal.
  • Entering a Volume is strongly encouraged for optimal tracking of the depletion of Inventory. 
  • Weight is optional but is helpful for keeping track of load limits on your deliveries. 

Reorder Point

Reorder Point is a tool that allows you to set safety net parameters to help make sure you don't run out of an Item before it's too late. Your ABM will warn you when your Inventory falls below your safety net. Then, you'll know it's time to reorder the Material or reproduce the Finished Good.

Safety Stock: Enter a buffer count as a safety net in case of an unusual spike in sales or consumption of that item. If a “10” is entered, then ABM will provide a warning that it may be time to reorder or reproduce it when the On Hand Inventory count reaches 10 or below.

Lead Time: Enter the time (in days) it takes to receive or produce this item after a Purchase Order is sent or the Batch has begun. The lead time will be taken into account and ABM will warn you when there isn’t enough inventory to cover the Rate of Use plus the Lead Time. Here’s how it’s calculated: 

  • Inventory On-Hand / Rate of Use = On-Hand Coverage.
  • If the On-Hand Coverage is less than the Lead Time, you’ll receive a warning. 
  • If you also have a Safety Stock entered, ABM will take both into account when providing you with a warning. 

In the example in this image, the Lead Time was set to 5 days, and the On-Hand Coverage (1 day) is calculated like this: 

  • 10 / 6.67 = 1.499 (rounded down to 1) 
  • 1.499 (the On-Hand Coverage) is less than 5 (the Lead Time), therefore, the Low Stock Warning is showing.

Item Parts

Item Parts allow you to track the other physical components that would be associated with a packaged size. 

  • For example, if the Item Size is a case of (24) 12oz cans, the Item Parts may include (24) aluminum cans, (4) 6-pack toppers, and (1) cardboard carrier. 

The Item parts you want to add here must be entered in your ABM as Items first. To add Item Parts to an Item Size: 

  1. Under the Item Parts section of the Item Size, click Add item part
  2. Under the Item dropdown, search for the part needed from your list of ABM Items.
  3. Enter a Quantity. If following the above example, enter a ‘24’ to account for aluminum cans in a case.
  4. Select a Unit of measurement. 

POS Appearance

This section allows you to customize how this Size is displayed across your POS tools. 

  1. Button Display: The text you enter here is how this Size will be displayed in Arryved Service. 
  2. Button Position: Select a column for this Size, which will determine where it is placed in Arryved Service.
    • If Column 1 is selected, this Size button will be placed in the first column closest to the name of the Item. If Column 2 is selected, this Size button will be the second column (to the right), and so on.

  1. Ticket Display: Up to 4 characters can be added here. This will be displayed on printed tickets or KDS order tiles.
  2. Record Display: Up to 4 characters can be added here. This will be displayed in your Arryved reporting. 

Web Details

This section allows you to customize how this Size is displayed in Arryved Online and OpenTab.

  1. Web Display Name: What you enter here will be displayed in your Arryved Online Store and OpenTab. If nothing is entered here, it will display what’s entered in the Button Display field. 
  2. Online Sort Order: This is similar to button position, but you enter a number of your choice instead. The lowest number will display that Size first, and largest, last. 
    • It’s recommended to leave some wiggle room in between numbers in case you add more Sizes in the future. For example, a Pint size can be “1” if it will always be first but maybe you put 10oz at “10”. That way if you add an 8oz size later, you can squeeze it in between 1 and 10. 


When you’re finished filling out the info in the Item Size window, click Add Item Size to save it. New Sizes or changes made to existing Sizes will sync with your POS in up to 30 seconds. 

Adding Sizes to Items

It's important to know that when you add a Size to an Item, you'll go through this same configuration process. Any field you fill out there will override the default configuration you set here. If you leave a field blank, it will inherit the default after you hit Save.

Making Item Sizes Active/Inactive

On your Item Sizes list in ABM, use the toggle under the ‘Active’ column to make an Item Size Active or Inactive. 

  • Item Sizes will start out as active by default
  • Item Sizes cannot be made inactive if they’re currently applied to an active Item. 
  • If an Item Size in made inactive, it cannot be used in ABM. 

Unit Sizes In Your Arryved Portal

Item Sizes in your ABM will automatically sync with your Arryved Portal and create equivalent ‘Unit Sizes’. You cannot add or edit Unit Sizes here, but you can view them. 

  1. Log into your Arryved Portal.
  2. From the left side navigation, click Inventory.
  3. Click Inventory Settings.
  4. Click Unit Sizes

Please note, the Arryved View Bev Icon and Custom Image fields are not supported at this time.

Related Articles

Head back to your ABM + POS Sync Cheat Sheet if you started there. 

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