Items With ABM + POS Sync
What Are Items With ABM + POS Sync?
In Arryved Brewery Management (ABM), Items are Finished Goods, Materials, and Other Items that you keep Wholesale Inventory of or sell at retail. Items can also be referred to as ‘Product Families’ because all the applicable Item Sizes are managed together under one Item. Use this guide to learn how to manage Items with the ABM + POS Sync.
- You are an Arryved Brewery Management (ABM) user and your Arryved POS is synced with your ABM.
- To add and edit Items in your ABM, you must be a User with either the Admin, Inventory, or Production User Roles.
- To view and edit Inventory Items in your Arryved Portal, you must be a Portal Super Admin or an Admin with one of the following Portal Permissions:
- With the ABM + POS Sync, you cannot add new ‘Inventory Items’ from your Arryved Portal, they must be added from your ABM which will sync to your Arryved Portal.
- Modifiers and Forced Modifiers are not available in your ABM, they must be managed in your Arryved Portal.
- Items can be added to menus from your Arryved Portal after they’ve been synced from your ABM.
How It Works
Adding New Items
- Log into your ABM.
- Click Items from the left navigation bar.
- Click New Item.
GENERAL → Basics
- When you start a new Item, you’ll be under the GENERAL tab. Stay there and fill out the fields under Basics.
- Give the Item a Name. This name appears on guest-facing receipts.
- Give it a POS Short Name. This will appear in Arryved Service and Arryved Portal.
- Under the Class dropdown, you can choose between Beverage, Food, Merchandise, Materials, and Other. (P.S. Deposit types live under ‘Other’).
- Choose a Type. This is associated with the Class. If the Class is a beverage, what type of beverage?
- You can apply one or more of your Tags to this Item for easy filtering and reporting.
- Choose the Supplier who makes this Item. If you make the Item, choose your business from the Supplier list. Suppliers are added to your ABM under ‘Companies’.
- Select a Printer Override if you’d like this item to be sent to a specific printer or KDS screen. If nothing is selected here, this Item will be sent to the Default Printer Ticket Type of the associated Item Type.
- If you care about the way Items are ordered on a printed ticket or KDS screen, you can use Printer Order to numerically order Items. The lowest number appears first on the ticket and the highest number, last.
- An example of where this is helpful would be ordering your draft beer pours from light to dark.
- We recommend starting out using numbers divisible by 10, that way, when you add more Items in the future, you can squeeze them in between numbers.
- The POS Status field lets you know if this Item is currently synced with your POS or not.
- If this is a ‘Beer’ Item (from the ‘Beverage’ Class), then you can add a Style, ABV, and IBU under the Product Data section that’ll appear.
From the bottom half of the page, click Add Size to enter all of your Item Sizes that apply to this Item.
- To learn how to configure each size added, use the Adding Sizes To Items guide.
Current Inventory
The Current Inventory section shows you how much of this Item, in its various sizes, you have in your Inventory.
- To learn more about how Inventory works in your ABM, read the Inventory guide.
Managing Items From Your Item List
After clicking the ‘Items’ tab from your left navigation bar, you’ll see a table listing all of your Items. An Item will appear on the list multiple times for each Size associated with it.
Click the 3 vertical dots to the right of any Item/Size to expand more options:
- Add to invoice starts a new blank Invoice with this Item and Size added to it. It’ll prompt you to enter a quantity and select an Inventory Location the Item will be pulled from. The Item must be available in your Inventory to successfully add to an Invoice.
- Add to adjustment begins a new Inventory Adjustment for this Item and Size. It’ll prompt you to complete the details of the adjustment.
- Add to purchase order begins a new Purchase Order with this Item and Size added to it. This is helpful for re-ordering Materials needed for your Batch Production. It’ll prompt you to complete the details of the PO.
- Set Active/Inactive allows you to make Active Items Inactive and vice versa. Inactive Items cannot be purchased, sold, or used in Batch Production in your ABM. In your Arryved Portal, Items made Inactive will move to your ‘ABM Archived’ Inventory Folder.
- Set Sellable/Unsellable can quickly make the Item sellable or unsellable at wholesale in your ABM. Meaning, it can or can’t be added to Invoices.
Use the Filters on the Item table to narrow your search. Drag and drop a column header to the ‘drag and drop’ bar above it to apply that filter.
- Or, hover over a column header and the filter icon will appear (looks like a funnel).
- Click on the filter icon to expand the filter options for that column.
- Use the checkboxes to select and deselect the criteria for the filter.
- You can filter more than one column at a time.
- Click ‘Clear filters’ above the table to start over and remove all filters.
Managing Items In Your Arryved Portal
Most of the Items’ fields you filled out in ABM are also editable in your Arryved Portal, however, new Items must be created in your ABM which will then sync with your Arryved Portal.
Below is the list of actions that must be completed from your Arryved Portal only and are features only available to Items synced with your POS:
- Additional Information (Product Description): The full description appears in your Arryved Service POS and in your ABM. The short description is what’ll appear in your Arryved Online Store and OpenTab.
- Guest Menu Name: If you’d like a different name to appear in your Arryved Online Store and OpenTab, enter that here.
- Item Code: Only use this field is directed to do so by an Arryved team member.
- Button Override: Selecting an Item Type from this field will move this particular to that Item Type button in Arryved Service, but still honor the Tax Type associated with the original Item Type associated with this Item.
- Adding Items to menus
- Selecting a Pricing Type: This is used for creating Timed Menus (like Happy Hour).
- Availability by Size: Check the box to track and deplete this item by its individual sizes.
- Attributes (Allergens, Rarity, Vintage). These attributes only appear in Arryved Service, not in your Arryved Online Store or OpenTab.
- Forced Modifiers: Read the Forced Modifiers With ABM Sync guide for more information.
- Display Information: Use this section to add a product image that’ll be displayed in your Arryved Online Store and OpenTab. Ignore the Guest Supplier Name and Guest Supplier Location fields as they are not in use at this time.
- Tags: Apply Tags to this Item for easy filtering in your Arryved Reporting. Some Tags have special powers. To learn more, read the Item Tags Overview guide.
P.S. A few special tags mentioned in the Item Tags Overview guide have been made into native features with the ABM + POS Sync.
- The ‘OPEN’ Item Tag has been converted to a checkbox located under the Item’s size configuration.
- Instead of using ‘DEPOSIT’ Tags, you can create deposit Items in your ABM by selecting ‘Other’ and the Class, then choosing a deposit ‘Type’.
Related Articles
Head back to your ABM + POS Sync Cheat Sheet if you started there.