Managing Batches
What Are Batches?
In Arryved Brewery Management (ABM), Batches represent a full brewing cycle to produce one amount (or batch) of a beverage. Batches use Inputs of ingredients to create an Output. Batches create a schedule to plan out each step of the process and time in each vessel. Use this guide to learn how to execute and manage Batches in your ABM.
- To create Batches you must be an ABM User with either the the Admin or Production User Role.
- First, learn how to Schedule Batches.
How It Works
- In your ABM, click Production from the left-side navigation.
- Toggle to the Batches tab from the top navigation.
Batch List
On the main Batches page, you’ll see a list of all past, current, and future Batches.
- Use the filter on the right to narrow your search by status (Scheduled, In Progress, Complete, or Canceled).
- Hover over any column header and then click on its Filter Icon to create a filter.
- Click on a Batch to open its details, make edits, and manually start the Stages.
Moving Tasks
Use the 6 dots to the left of each Task or whole Stage to move it up or down the process. The schedule shown above will auto-adjust as you move things around.
If you need to revert to a previous Task, use the Previous Task button in the top right corner.
Inventory Locations
Click on a Task from the Batch to expand its info. Under the Location column, the system has estimated an Inventory Location to pull this Input from. Remember, Inputs are the ingredients for this Recipe that come from your Items.
Here’s how it estimates:
- It first asks ‘Where location has the most of this Item?’
- If no match then, ‘Which location has the most of this Item in the last 90 days?’
- then, ‘Which location has the most of the same type of Item?’
- And if still no match, it pulls the first Inventory Location on the list.
This is helpful so you can manage your inventory and create shopping lists for your next Purchase Orders to ensure you don’t have negative inventory when it’s time to start this Batch.
Completing Each Stage & Task
The Batch schedule is there for your reference and planning, but it does not carry out the Stages and Tasks of the Batch automatically. You must start and complete each Stage and Task of the Batch manually.
- Click on a Scheduled Batch from the Batch List to open it.
- Click the ‘Start [Task Name]’ button in the top right corner to start the first Task of the first Stage.
- The text on the button changes each time you click it.
- Click Complete [Task Name] when this Task is complete.
- Then, click ‘Start [Task Name]’ for the next Task, and so on.
- Before you start any Task, you can make manual adjustments as necessary if you need to deviate from the original Recipe.
- After the first Stage of the Batch has been started and until the Batch has been marked complete, the Batch remains in the 'In Progress' state.
Completing The Batch
After you've moved through each Stage and Task, click Complete Batch to finalize it. This moves the Batch from the 'In Progress' state to 'Completed'.
Learn how Inventory works in your ABM.